Monday, January 26, 2009

Loving God

The foundational and central theme of all stewardship is the great commandment.

Found in Deuteronomy 6:5, it says, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, and strength."

Jesus quotes this in Matthew 22:34-40.

The implication of Jesus' words is the reality that there is no sphere of life that is not touched by this command to love God.

It is therefore, priority one, for Christians, to love God supremely, definitively, and exclusively in and through all spheres of living.

Here are several questions to help us apply this principle to our often compartmentalized lives:

1) How can I handle material possessions in a way that demonstrates that Jesus is my greatest treasure?

2) How can I handle money in a way that demonstrates that Jesus is my greatest treasure?

3) How can I exercise my spiritual gifts in such a way that demonstrates Jesus as my greatest treasure?

4) How can I discipline, take care of, and dress my body in such a way that demonstrates my devotion to Jesus above anything else?

5) How can I serve, love and lead my family to demonstrate that Jesus is my greatest treasure?

6) (for husbands) How can I love, serve, and sacrifice for my wife as Christ loved the church so that it demonstrates that Jesus is my greatest treasure?

7) (for wives) How can I submit to and show respect for my husband that demonstrates my devotion to Jesus?

8) How can I think rightly and biblically in such a way that demonstrates Jesus as my greatest passion?

It is my prayer that these questions (and others that come to mind) will help us exercise faithful and biblical stewardship in every area of life from the foundational reality of loving God supremely and exhaustively with our whole person.

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