Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday, we preached on the subject of biblical manhood--primarily directed toward the men. The tone was certainly strong--but, for good reason--it is time for men to start acting like men, not sissies, but biblical men--like Jesus.

I am certainly in no way advocating male chauvinism or acting like cavemen who hit their "women" over the head with a club--regardless of how the world might perceive the sermon--but, a return to biblical manhood that does not abdicate the leadership that God has primarily given to men, husbands, and fathers following after Jesus with our whole hearts desiring to lead our families and churches as God, through the power of the transforming gospel, has called us to lead and serve and love.

Here are the portraits of manhood typically displayed in our culture today...

1. Junior High boys going through puberty all over again (think King of Queens; Everybody loves Raymond)
2. Commercials that feature 5 men riding in a big truck with one of them singing “I feel like a woman”
3. Young men in their mid-twenties trying to prolong adolescence who refuse to grow up playing more video games than working or looking for a wife and a job
4. Boy bands who act effeminate and look like sissies whose voices hadn’t changed—result of the feminization of boys in our culture
5. Men who rule like iron-fisted tyrants demanding obedience without a loving relationship with their children or wife like a slave-driver
6. Men who treat women with dishonor and disrespect; like toys and prizes to be won—these guys are just plain jerks
7. Men who are in love with their jobs or hobbies instead of their wives—they are disconnected from their families trying to lead from a distance
8. Men who think the answer to everything is to just beat someone up
9. Men who are cowards refusing to lead their families and their churches—willing to give up the call upon their lives

How do we regain a sense of respect for biblical manhood...

1. Standing in the gap for one’s family spiritually (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
2. Loving, honoring, and leading our wives sacrificially and graciously in the same way that Jesus loves the church (Ephesians 5:25-32; 1 Peter 3:7)
3. Getting angry at the right things for the right reasons at the right time (Nehemiah 13; John 2:12-16 (Jesus cleanses temple); Paul & Peter)
4. Not allowing the culture to dictate to us what manhood means or to take our little boys and turn them into sissies, but taking our lead from Jesus, the Apostles, and other men who love Jesus (Romans 12:2)
5. Being humble (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5-6) – not weakness, but strength under control

Guys, it begins with confession and repentance for our lack of biblical manhood so far while falling on our faces before God crying out for His grace and mercy to begin afresh and anew following after Jesus.

May it begin today.

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